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Documentation>ETP-Basic reference>Tables


The use of tables is very common when programming. It consists of indexing a number of variables. You must take care of a few things for their use.

Each element of the table is a variable that you can use as any other variable of the same type. These variables are defined one after each other in the memory.

To declare a table, the syntax is :

Local TableName[NumberElement] as VariableType

VariableType is the type of each element of the table. The "[" and "]" following the table name allows the compiler to see the difference between a normal variable and a table. Betweens that, you have to put the number of elements in the table. It will be used by the compiler to allocate enough place to storage the elements in memory.

For a local declaration, the number of elements will be evaluated during execution, so you can use an expression with other variables.

For a public declaration, the number of elements must be constant.

Example :

Local ProductPrice[5] as Long

This line will keep a memory place for 5 variables of Long type.



Using the elements of the table :

To search for an element in the table, you must use an index. The syntax consists in putting brackets after the table's name and to put in these brackets the index, that is the number of the element.


Example :

ProductPrice[3] = 23

Important note : Indexes in tables begins at 0 ! That means that for a table containing 10 elements, the index will be between 0 and 9 (0 and 9 included). The expression TableName[0] is the first element of the table, TableName[1] the second, etc. This small thing has important effects on execution speed. A compiler with a first indexation of [1] will slower at the execution time.

For speed reasons, you must also know that the number of elements you use in the table's original declaration is only used by the compiler for memory space. The compiler doesn't know if you are taking a value outside of the table. It means that if you take the sixth value of a table with five elements, you won't have an error message. In this case, you erase the memory after the last element, thing that you mustn't do.

When a local table is created, a memory space is given for the variables. But the memory space is not modified, not initialised, and contains random values.

If you abolutely need to initialise your table, use a routine like this one :

Local table[10] as Integer
For i=0 To 9
table[i] = 0

Public tables are initialised to 0 value. You don't have to initialise them.

Defining a multiple-dimensions table

With ETP-Basic, you can define table with multiple dimensions. There is no limitation for the number of dimension. To declare a table with two dimensions, use the following syntax :

Local Tablename[NumberElement1,NumberElement2] as VariableType

To use a two-dimensions table, you must put the two indexes.

Example :

Local matrix[10,4] as Integer
matrix[7,3] = ...
... = matrix[7,3]

To declare a n-dimensions table :

Local TableName[NumberElement1,NumberElement2, ... , NumberElementN] as VariableType


Documentation>ETP-Basic reference>Tables

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