\START92\ \COMMENT= \NAME=organizr \FILE=ORGANIZR.89P () Prgm \(C)\Interactive Prgm, no args Local wdl,i,olst,oltr,owd,odat,x,hl1,hl2,hl3,hl4,hl5,hl6,hl7,hl8,t1 getType(t1)\->\t1 localize({"MO","TU","WE","TH","FR","SA","SU"},{"LU","MA","ME","JE","VE","SA","DI"},{"MO","DI","MI","DO","FR","SA","SO"},{"LU","MA","ME","GI","VE","SA","DO"})\->\wdl If getType(orgdate)=t1 Then 1\->\orgdate Archive orgdate EndIf If getType(orgweekd)=t1 Then 0\->\orgweekd Archive orgweekd EndIf Lbl date orgweekd\->\owd orgdate\->\odat If mod(odat-1,7)\!=\owd Then Text localize("Invalid weekday!","Jour de semaine incorrect!","Ungueltiger Wochentag!","Giorno di settimana non valido!") setdate() Goto date EndIf If getType(orglist)=t1 Then seq(wdl[mod(i,7)+1]&" "&localdat(odat-owd+i+when(mod(i,7)\orglist Archive orglist EndIf If getType(orglater)=t1 Then localize("LATER:","APR\E`\S:","SP\A..\TER:","DOPO:")\->\orglater Archive orglater EndIf orglist\->\olst orglater\->\oltr ClrIO Disp "Kevin Kofler's Super","ORGANIZER "&localize("for","pour","f\u..\r","per")&" TI-89","Version"&localize("","","","e")&" 1.30.0004","",localize("Today is a","Aujourd'hui, c'est","Heute ist ein","Oggi \e`\ un")&" "&wdl[owd+1],localize("Date","Date","Datum","Data")&": "&localdat(odat) Lbl tb Toolbar Title localize("NewDay","NvJr","NeuTg","NvGio"),n Title localize("Week","Semaine","Woche","Settim") Item wdl[1],e1 Item wdl[2],e2 Item wdl[3],e3 Item wdl[4],e4 Item wdl[5],e5 Item wdl[6],e6 Item wdl[7],e7 Title localize("NWeek","Sem.pr","NWoche","Sett.pr") Item localize("N MO","LU P","N MO","LU P"),e8 Item localize("N TU","MA P","N DI","MA P"),e9 Item localize("N WE","ME P","N MI","ME P"),e10 Item localize("N TH","JE P","N DO","GI P"),e11 Item localize("N FR","VE P","N FR","VE P"),e12 Item localize("N SA","SA P","N SA","SA P"),e13 Item localize("N SU","DI P","N SO","DO P"),e14 Title localize("Later","Apr\e`\s","Spaeter","Dopo") Item localize("In n\>=\14 days","Dans n\>=\14 jours","In n\>=\14 Tagen","In n\>=\14 giorni"),l Title localize("tTbl","Emp.t","hPlan","Orario") Item localize("Today","Aujourd'hui","Heute","Oggi"),h0 Item wdl[1],h1 Item wdl[2],h2 Item wdl[3],h3 Item wdl[4],h4 Item wdl[5],h5 Item wdl[6],h6 Item wdl[7],h7 Item localize("Edit","\E'\diter","Bearbeiten","Editare")&"...",he Title localize("QUIT","FIN","ENDE","FINE"),eof EndTBar Goto eof Lbl n olst[owd+8]\->\olst[owd+1] wdl[owd+1]&" "&localdat(odat+14)&":"\->\olst[owd+8] mod(owd+1,7)\->\owd odat+1\->\odat ClrIO Disp "Kevin Kofler's Super","ORGANIZER "&localize("for","pour","f\u..\r","per")&" TI-89","Version"&localize("","","","e")&" 1.30.0004","",localize("Today is a","Aujourd'hui, c'est","Heute ist ein","Oggi \e`\ un")&" "&wdl[owd+1],localize("Date","Date","Datum","Data")&": "&localdat(odat) Unarchiv orgweekd owd\->\orgweekd Archive orgweekd Unarchiv orgdate odat\->\orgdate Archive orgdate Goto aol Lbl e1:1\->\i:Goto e Lbl e2:2\->\i:Goto e Lbl e3:3\->\i:Goto e Lbl e4:4\->\i:Goto e Lbl e5:5\->\i:Goto e Lbl e6:6\->\i:Goto e Lbl e7:7\->\i:Goto e Lbl e8:8\->\i:Goto e Lbl e9:9\->\i:Goto e Lbl e10:10\->\i:Goto e Lbl e11:11\->\i:Goto e Lbl e12:12\->\i:Goto e Lbl e13:13\->\i:Goto e Lbl e14:14\->\i Lbl e olst[i]\->\x Request when(i>7,localize("Next ","","Naechster ",""),"")&wdl[mod(i-1,7)+1]&when(i>7,localize(""," prochain",""," prossimo"),""),x If ok=0:Goto tb x\->\olst[i] Lbl aol Unarchiv orglist olst\->\orglist Archive orglist Goto tb Lbl l Request localize("Later(\>=\14days)","Apr\e`\s(\>=\14j)","Spaeter(\>=\14Tg)","Dopo(\>=\14giorni)"),oltr If ok=0:Goto tb Unarchiv orglater oltr\->\orglater Archive orglater Goto tb Lbl h1:1\->\i:Goto h Lbl h2:2\->\i:Goto h Lbl h3:3\->\i:Goto h Lbl h4:4\->\i:Goto h Lbl h5:5\->\i:Goto h Lbl h6:6\->\i:Goto h Lbl h7:7\->\i:Goto h Lbl h0 owd+1\->\i Lbl h If getType(orghrpld)=t1 Then Text localize("Timetable-database not found!","Emploi du temps introuvable!","Stundenplan-Datenbank nicht gefunden!","Banca-dati-orario introvabile!") Else Dialog Title localize("Timetable of ","Emploi du temps de ","Stundenplan von ","Orario di ")&wdl[i] Text orghrpld[i,1] Text orghrpld[i,2] Text orghrpld[i,3] Text orghrpld[i,4] Text orghrpld[i,5] Text orghrpld[i,6] Text orghrpld[i,7] Text orghrpld[i,8] EndDlog EndIf Goto tb Lbl he If getType(orghrpld)=t1 Then newMat(7,8)\->\orghpld Archive orghpld EndIf Lbl he2 DelVar x Dialog Title localize("Edit timetable...","\E'\diter l'emploi du temps...","Stundenplan bearbeiten...","Editare l'orario...") DropDown localize("Weekday:","Jour de semaine:","Wochentag:","Giorno di settimana:"),wdl,x EndDlog If ok=0:Goto tb For i,1,7:If x=wdl[i] Then:i\->\x:Exit:EndIf:EndFor For i,1,8:orghrpld[x,i]\->\#("hl"&string(i)):EndFor x\->\i Dialog Title localize("Edit: timetable of ","\E'\diter: emploi du temps de ","Bearbeiten: Stundenplan von ","Editare: orario di ")&wdl[i] Request "1",hl1 Request "2",hl2 Request "3",hl3 Request "4",hl4 Request "5",hl5 Request "6",hl6 Request "7",hl7 EndDlog If ok=0:Goto he2 Request wdl[i]&localize(" tTbl l.8"," emp.t l.8"," h-Plan Zeile 8"," orario riga 8"),hl8 orghrpld\->\x [[hl1,hl2,hl3,hl4,hl5,hl6,hl7,hl8]]\->\x[i] Unarchiv orghrpld x\->\orghrpld Archive orghrpld Goto he2 Lbl eof ClrIO DispHome EndPrgm \STOP92\