Index des articles > Documentations > Le système de la TI-92 [Anglais]

Le système de la TI-92 [Anglais]

Article posté par gOlstein

The system

I ) The processor
I.1 ) The exception table
I.2 ) Supervisor mode versus user mode
I.3 ) Internal exceptions
I.4 ) The system byte of the status register
I.5 ) The processor response to traps

II ) The calculator
II.1 ) The calculator
II.2 ) The timer
II.3 ) The screen
II.4 ) The RAM
II.5 ) The keyboard
II.6 ) The link microcontroler
II.7 ) Conclusion

III ) Fargo
III.1 ) Fargo 0.1.x
III.2 ) Fargo II 0.2.x
III.3 ) Fargo use of the memory
III.3.1 ) Introduction
III.3.2 ) Relocation: the assembler
III.3.3 ) Relocation: Fargo
III.4 ) The use of TI OS routines

IV ) The texas instrument's operating system
IV.1 ) handles
IV.2 ) VAT: variable alocation tables
IV.3 ) Lite Pascal
IV.3.1 ) introduction
IV.3.2 ) Tokenization
** IV.4 ) Auto-interrupts

**V ) Developing functions

I ) The processor

When you switch on the calculator, the processor goes to see at address
$0000000 in the memory: the 64 bits that are stored there are called
the initialisation vector. They are the address of the memory where the
first program to be executed is stored. That initialisation vector
points to the routines of the operating system ( Texas Instrument's OS ) ..

I.1 ) The exception table

A trap or exception routine is a program which is called by some internal
( software ) or external ( hardware ) routines.
To each trap, we associate a vector ( the address to the program to be
executed ). On the 68000 processor, there are 255 vectors. These vectors are
longwords stored at the beginning of the memory in the exception vector table.
This table begins at $000000 and is over at $0003FF

here is this table:
addresses | Vector | Description
( hex ) | number |
000000 | 0 | initialisation vector ( special: 64 bits )
000008 | 2 | Bus Error
00000C | 3 | Address Error
000010 | 4 | Illegal Instructions
000014 | 5 | Division by zero
000018 | 6 | "Chk" instruction
00001C | 7 | "Trapv" instruction
000020 | 8 | Privilege violation
000024 | 9 | Trace
000028 | 10 | Line 1010 emulator
00002C | 11 | Line 1111 emulator
000030/ | 12/ | Reserved or
000060 | 24 | useless
000064 | 25 | Auto-Interrupt level 1
000068 | 26 | Auto-interrupt level 2
00006C | 27 | Auto-interrupt level 3
000070 | 28 | Auto-interrupt level 4
000074 | 29 | Auto-interrupt level 5
000078 | 30 | Auto-interrupt level 6
00007C | 31 | Auto-interrupt level 7
000080/ | 32 | Trap instruction
0000BF | 47 | vectors
| 48/63 | Reserved
000100 | 64/255 | User interrupt vectors

I.2 ) Supervisor mode versus user mode

The 68000 processor was a revolution when it was released: it was powerful
and RELIABLE. That reliability ( which is vital to many systems ) was
accomplished using two modes: supervisor and user mode.
The processor runs programs in the user mode. The supervisor mode is
dedicated to the operating system which launches programs and takes control
in case of errors or at the end of the execution of the program.
In supervisor mode, you have access to all the software and hardware
resources of the system: the whole status register, the supervisor stack and
all the instructions ( see I.3.b privilege violation ) .
When the supervisor mode is launched ( when any vector is triggered ) , the
A7 register is modified by the processor and points to the supervisor stack
opposed to user stack.
Note: the supervisor stack on the 92 is 4 KB long. There, is stored some
information on the program being launched, the state of the processor before
the program was launched, ...

I.3 ) Internal exceptions

a ) "normal traps"

* Division by Zero: this trap is called when the divisor of a DIVU or DIVS
instruction is equal to zero. The programmer may freely redirect this trap
to a self made one to , for example, to recalculate the divisor or to
exit from the program with a simple message without freezing the calculator.
* "CHK": The instruction "Chk" allows us to test if an operand is into a
certain interval. If not, the Chk trap is called: the programmer may well
redirect this trap.
* TrapV: if the V flag is set during the execution of this instruction,
the trap is called: again, the programmer may redirect this trap.
* Trap: this instruction allows us to redirect our program to one of the
32/47 vector: you need just to type: " Trap <number_of_vector> "
some are used by the system: look in the "traps.txt" file

b ) Programming errors

* Address Error: this happens, when you write or read a word or a longword
at an odd address. Bytes may be written anywhere.. This is due to the fact
that the processor has only 23 address pins to address 2^24=16Mb of memory.
Proper explanation of this phenomenon is included in the Motorola hardware
reference manual.

* Privilege violation: this happens when, in the user mode, a program
tries to execute a supervisor mode instruction.
supervisor instructions are:
Move.w source,SR
and.w #data,SR
Eor.w #data,SR
Or.w #data,SR
move.l An,USP
move.l USP,An

You don't need to bother about these instructions ( I have put all this
here just for documentation purposes ) : privilege violation traps occur
when you haven't set the S bit of the system byte and you are trying to
execute a supervisor instruction: it may happen as "illegal instruction"
happen: see below.

* Illegal instructions: an instruction is invalid if the processor doesn't
recognize the instruction... As we are using a compiler which code the
instructions, there are only two reasons to such a phenomenon:
* you have branched to a label which wasn't a label with instructions (
for example, a label to a table or some data you use... ) : thus, the
processor is trying to execute ... well... nothing at all: data... at
best, you get an illegal instruction ( at best cause this could lead to
destroying memory, or other such things)
* the processor executed one of the following code: $4AFA, $4AFB or 4AFC
the first 2 ones are reserved and the last one may be used to force an
illegal instruction ( in fact, it is what we do when we write " illegal"
to make a breakpoint: see newbies.txt, section VII.1 )

* line 1111 emulator or line 1010 emulator: these happen respectively
when $FXXX or $AXXX is executed: ( where X is anything ) as sooner, it
often happens when you are trying to execute random data...
note: line 1010 is used by the system: it is redirected: thus, you should
never get such an instruction...
Originally, these opcodes were implemented to allow the programmer to define
new instructions. Note that the 1111 code is used in later Motorola
processors: it is used to control the arithmetic coprocessor.
Under some conditions a line A emulator error will be thrown, this comes
about from an ER_Throw being thrown without an ER_Catch run before this..
The standard use of the Line A emulator on the TI92 is to raise
errors in the form $Axxx, where xxx is the error code

* Trace: when the T bit of the status register, after each instruction,
the trace vector is launched: used to write debuggers: that is what Db92

I.4 ) The system byte of the status register

The system byte is: |T|0|S|0|0|I2|I1|I0|
Note: you may modify that byte only when in supervisor mode.

* The T ( trace ) bit is set by the Raven debugger: it allows to "trace" a
program: when set, after each instruction, it launches the trace vector
( it launches the program which the trace vector points to: ie: the debugger )

* The S ( system ) bit : when set, it allows to modify freely the system byte
and to have access to the supervisor resources.

* I2,I1 and I0 are the bits of the interrupt mask.
The I0, I1 and I2 bits of the system register are used to set the interrupt
level mask. These bits are set to an interrupt level: if the trap generated
has a higher level than the interrupt mask, then the trap is executed.
Otherwise it is ignored. ( ignoring a trap generally means that another
interrupt, with a higher priority is being treated )

Here is how these bits are set:

I2 I1 I0

level 0 | 0 0 0 | ---------> lowest priority
level 1 | 0 0 1 |
level 2 | 0 1 0 |
level 3 | 0 1 1 |
level 4 | 1 0 0 |
level 5 | 1 0 1 |
level 6 | 1 1 0 |
level 7 | 1 1 1 | ---------> highest priority

Note: #0=%000; #1=%001; #2=%010; etc...

I.5 ) The processor response to traps

This section is added for documentation purposes. till you do not decide
to write a debugger, data in this section will never be of any use to you....
If you just want to know how it works, then...

The Processor services Exceptions with a certain priority.
There exist 3 groups:

| Group | Exception | recognition | priority |
| 0 | RESET | at the end of | ^ |
| | BUS ERROR | the clock cycle | | | ^
| | ADDRESS ERROR | | | | |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 1 | TRACE | at the end of | ^ | |
| | INTERRUPTION | an instruction | | | |
| | ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION | cycle | | | |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 2 | Trap #0 to #15 | during an | NO | |
| | TRAPV, CHK | instruction | PRIORITY | |
| | DIVU, DIVS | cycle | |
| | (if division by 0) | | |

The exception column indicates the names of the exceptions in the group.
The recognition column indicates when the processor takes into account the
The priority column indicates what is the priority ( ie: the one which will
be treated first ) within the group.
Finally, the arrow to the right indicates the increasing priority of the

Thus, some exceptions may happen during an instruction...
These groups reflect the way the processor will handle them.
during each exception, the processor stores some information on the
supervisor stack so that the OS may found what went wrong...

The group 0 will result in the following data structure on the stack:

Status of the R/W,I/N,FC2,FC1,FC0 pins ( the 5 first bits of the word ) ^
the address which was on the bus address ( a longword ) |
a copy of the instruction register ( a word ) |
a copy of the status register ( a word ) |
the PC ( a longword ) |

The arrow indicates the decreasing addresses. The Stack pointer points at the
first entry of that table after the exception.

The group 1 and 2 will result in the following data structure on the stack:

a copy of the status register ( a word ) ^
the PC ( a longword ) |


II ) The calculator

II.1 ) The calculator.

Physically, the processor is wired on a card. To the processor, is
connected other hardware. There is the RAM, the ROM, the timer, the link
microcontroler, the screen refresher and some others. These devices can be
accessed through certain addresses ( these addresses depend on the way these
devices were wired to the processor ). In fact , what happens when you execute
a move D0,($xxxx) command is: the processor uses some of its output pins to
write the D0 register at address $xxxx.
First, the address pins are pulled high or low ( logic level 1 or 0 ) to match
the address $xxxx. There is some external decoding logic which connected on the
address bus ( some "and" gates in a small IC ) which triggers only the device
located at this address. Then, when the data pins are pulled high or low to
match the D0 register, only the right device reads the pins.
Thus, this address has no physical meaning: it may be effectively some RAM or
ROM but it may be the input pin of the graphic controller. Whether it is some
real memory or the internal register of a peripheral depends on the external
decoding logic.

$000000-$1FFFFF : RAM
$200000-$3FFFFF : Module ROM, or masked ROM if there's no module
$400000-$5FFFFF : Module ROM
$600000-$6FFFFF : Memory mapped I/O (only the lower 6 bits of the address
really point to something)
$700000-$FFFFFF : Nothing (floating bus)

The Memory mapped I/O is used by all the devices other than RAM and ROM.
For example, you may command and have access to all the features of the link
microcontroler by switching some bits at addresses: $60000C and $60000E.
Not all these ports are understood... Check the "lowlevel.txt" file for more
on these.
However, here is a list of the most important:
* The timer: it may be freely reprogrammed to trigger interrupts with new
* The video controller: it is not very well understood but it is possible
for now to adjust the contrast, and tell him where to get in memory the
data to update the screen. ( see I.7 for more...)
* The I/O link microcontroler: it is possible to directly command the
lines of the i/o port.
* The keyboard: it may be read directly by these ports. ( check
"lowlevel.txt" and see lessonlesson_2.txt)

II.2 ) The Timer

Outside of the processor, on the card which supports the processor, there
is a component, a hardware timer which periodically triggers the auto
interrupts (see I.1: vector nø25-31)( not all with the same rate ) . These
interrupts are used by the system to read the keyboard for example and many
other tasks. They allow the processor (and your programs) to be aware to the
1) disabling interrupts will greatly increase the programs speed ( it can
be done by setting the interrupt mask to level 7 ) but will require special
programming ( for example: the OS keyboard reading routine uses interrupts:
you will no be able to access to the keyboard anymore with them: you will
have to directly read the keyboard controller. To know why, see
2) Interrupts can be redirected to create a resident program for example or
to have grayscale graphics.

II.3 ) The screen

As the screen is a simple Black & White screen, a screen is described by
128(height)*240(width)/8=3840 bytes =$F00 bytes, each bit representing one
pixel. To display something on the screen you just need to build a
"virtual screen" in RAM: first, allocate a $F00 bytes long memory area.
There, the first bit will be the upper left pixel: %1 for on and %0 for off.
Then, all following bits will be the pixels to the right till the end of the
upper line of the screen. Then, pixels are mapped the same way, one line
after the other. Now, if go back at the beginning of that memory area, and
if you read the bits for $F00 bytes, you will read the pixels from the left
to the right of one line, from the upper line to the down line.

All you need now to do is to tell the video controller that you wish him
to display a picture using the data stored in the area you allocated (you
need to write to the $600010 I/O port the address of your memory area
divided by 8: check "lowlevel.txt" ). Now, the video controller
will read that memory area just like we did and it will update the screen
100 times per second depending on the data in this memory area.

On 92 with ROM 1.x, the memory used by the system is at address $4440 and
on ROM 2.x, this address is $4720. The calculator $600010 port is originally
configured to get LCD data in this location. To get the exact location of
the LCD memory, use the system variable: "tios::main_lcd".
For more on Grayscale and the use of virtual screens, look at

II.4 ) The RAM

Please, note that this section is not very useful for programming it is
there just for those of you who are interested to know how it works.
The 92 was probably originally build to have a 256 k memory. When only 128 k
are present, then, the RAM can be linearly addressable from the processor:
the RAM is in one piece: it is one chip.
When using 256 k, there are two chip: this allows interleaving 2 and
increases the access to the memory sometimes with a factor 50 % (I tested it:
just write a program with many access to memory: you will see..).
Here is why:

----------- ---------------
| Wire | |
Processor |---------| Memory bank |
| | |
----------- ---------------

----------- |--------| Bank 1 |
| | |--------|
Processor |----|
| | |--------|
----------- |--------| Bank 2 |

The interleaved memory is build so that consecutive addresses are always on
different memory banks. Here is a schematic of what happens when doing a
sequential memory access with and without interleaving.
each memory access requires the same access time ( often around 5 or 20
processor cycles )

address nøi: i i+1 i+2
| | |
----------------------------------------> time ( unit: processor cycle )

each access is done at the same time on both banks: the process is
paralleled: while the first access will require the same time than without
interleaving, all other will require half less time if access is sequential.

address nøi: 1 2 3 4 5
| | | | |
-----------------------------------------> time ( unit: processor cycle )

II.5 ) The keyboard

To understand the matrix type keyboard, look at the following 4 keys keyboard:

D0 ------------+------------+
| |
key 1 |- key 2 |-
| |
+--+ +--+
| |
| |
| |
D1 ------------+------------+ |
| | | |
key 3 |- | key 4 |- |
| | | |
+--+ +--+
| |
D2 D3

Where "+" is a connected node.

| ; This is a
|- ; manual switch
| ;

If one pulls high the D2 and D3 lines (+5V), D0 or D1 will be pulled high if
one key was hit. Now, if you decide to mask column D2 (0V) and apply +5V to D3
, if you check first D0 then D1, you will know for sure if one of the key 2 or
4 was hit and you will know which one(s): If key 4 is hit, D1 is high and if
key 2 is hit, D0 is high.
This system can be generalized to any size: the 92 keyboard is based on this
matrix type design

A thoughtful search on the 92 motherboard will show you that the 92
keyboard is wired in a standard fashion. It is a 10 lines/8 columns matrix.
The keys are wired so that the two lowest enter keys are the same and the
highest enter key is different. The on key does not belong to this matrix
which is build on the basis of the matrix shown in the lowlevel.txt file.
The 10+8 lines are directly connected to the CPU: I have been unable to
get their exact pinout. I don't really understand how this works because
if the keyboard is directly connected to the CPU, it should interfere with
the bus.. Don't know really why it works..

II.6 ) The link microcontroler

Note: This section was written by Sami Khawam

All TI calculators have two open-drain lines. There is a method under Fargo
to access each line individually for input and output (see "lowlevel.txt"),
but in most cases where byte-transfers are needed, TI's built-in link
routines are simple en effective to use. The protocol used by these routines
will be described here:

When the lines are not active they are high. You should remember that if
an end of an open-drain line is pulled-down (connected to the ground) by
a device, all devices that are attached to that line (including the
device that pulled the line down) will read a low signal even if they are
trying to pull the line up.

We will assume that Calculator1 (C1) want to send a byte to Calculator2
The lines will be refered by L1 and L2. In the text "10" means L1 high
and L2 low, and "01" means L1 low and L2 high.

-In idle mode, both lines are high. Depending on the bit that C1 wants to
send, it will pull-down different lines:

* .L2 will be pulled-down if the bit is 1.
.C1 reads now 10.

* .L1 will be pulled-down if the bit is 0.
.C1 reads now 01.

C1 will wait until it reads a 00.

-C2 was waiting for a signal change on L1 or L2.

* .If it reads 10 it knows that the bit sent is 1.
.L1 will be pulled-down by C2
.Now C2 reads 00. It will wait for a 01

* .If it reads 01 it knows that the bit sent is 0.
.L2 will be pulled-down by C2
.Now C2 reads 00. It will wait for a 10

-C1 was waiting for a 00. Now it pull-up both lines. After this
C1 will read either 01 or 10.

-C2 will also pull-up the lines, and reads 11.

-C1 reads also 11.

This will be repeated 8 times in order to transfer a bit.

This protocol used by TI on their calculators, is an effective protocol.
But in most cases you do not need to go through those details when
programming, since everything is made by the built-in ROM routines.
To learn more on the byte level protocol, look at docti-prot.txt

II.7 ) Conclusion

If you are curious enough to open your calculator, you will notice that what
I explained there is not exactly what happens:
There are 4 video controllers: 2 for the lines and 2 for the columns. I found
no dedicated link microcontroler on my mother board: perhaps does one of the
video MCU also handle the link ... I also found no external timer and found
no external address decoding logic for the i/o ports. One should also notice
that the processor has between 90 and 120 pins ( I did not counted them but
looked at the processor ) while the original Motorola 68k processor had
~75 pins. This may mean that the processor has many build in newer functions.


III ) Fargo

When Fargo is not installed, the TI OS is running and it is not possible to
have access directly to the processor: it is impossible to execute ASM
( impossible... perhaps someone will find a way one day ... ). At least,
no one ever found a leak into the TI OS: it is very well programmed...

III.1 ) Fargo 0.1.x

To overcome that problem, David Ellsworth had a great idea:
He just send the 92 a backup slightly bigger than the calc's memory: at one
point or another, the address the backup writes to will be bigger than
$20000 ( 128 kb ). Higher addresses go back at the beginning of the memory:
( ex: the initialisation vector is $000000 and $020000 is physically just the
same... Just the way the memory chip is connected ) Thus, the backup will be
writing in the exception vector table and on the vectors used to send or
receive data...
At one point or another, a special routine, already copied in memory,
will be triggered instead of those in charge of the backup. Thus, the backup
will end abnormally but the special routine ( located at the end of the
memory, at the begening of the core.o file ) will redirect some auto
interrupts to newer interrupt routine. One of those will test each time it
is launched by the timer if the [shift] + [on] combination key was hit.
Then, basic routines ( the core ) and some libs can be send to the 92 to
execute assembly.

III.2 ) Fargo II 0.2.x

That version works exactly the same but it uses an "event handler" which is
located around 36 kb in the memory. it writes upon that handler the routine
which then redirects some auto interrupts. It saves the pain to rewrite things
on the exception table and generates smaller backups....

Note: The major advantage is that no "RESET" code needs to be run. Restoring
the vector table was just a matter of one ROM call (although it was done with
a loop). Fargo 0.1.x had a minimal portion of the actual ROM reset code
(without the memory clearing code etc.) as writing over all the memory damaged
sytem data in the RAM and the running CODE in the ROM would therefore crash
the machine after the backup had been sent. With Fargo II this is not

III.3 ) Fargo use of the memory

III.3.1 ) Introduction

The greatest treat to assembly programming is the TI OS. The thing is that
it will relocate programs in the RAM so that as little RAM as possible is
For example, if you delete a standard TI program, the OS will move data and
variables in memory so that RAM is really freed: the memory is defragmented
just like a defragmentation program works on your Hard Disk.
This means that it is impossible to know where in memory programs will be
executed. This is a problem with immediate addressing: BSR and JSR
instructions refer to precise addresses which are not known when the program
is compiled and which are not known even when copied in the RAM: the programs
they refer to can be moved anytime.
This phenomenon is common to all the modern computers. The size of the
program memory is limited and must be used in the most efficient way
possible. The solution to this problem is Relocation !!!

III.3.2 ) Relocation: the assembler

An easy way to understand how it works is to sneak into the object files
generated by the A68k assembler ( before they are turned into 92 files by the
linker: "flinker" ). If you just look into the Fargo.bat file (dos users),
you will see that a68k generates .o files which are used to build .92p files
and which are then deleted. Just remove the line which delete these object
files. Then, assembling one of your program will generate the .92p file and
a .o file.
A file is included in this distribution: docamiga.txt. This file describes
the format of these object files. Note that this file format is named "amiga"
because it was originally developed by the authors of the amiga OS and was
used by the amiga OS.

Relocation is a process transparent to the user. It must be taken care of by
the OS.
To allow the process to take place, the assembler generates tables at the
end of the code. These tables contain relative pointers from the beginning of
the code section. Each of these relative pointer point to a place in the code
where an immediate address is used. These relative pointers are called offsets.

For example, here is a program I compiled:
include "flib.h"
xdef _main
xdef _comment

jsr flib::clr_scr

dc.b "esai",0

here is the corresponding object file generated.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF
00 00 00 03 e7 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 e8 00 00 00 01 ..þ......Þ... 00
10 20 00 00 00 00 00 03 e9 00 00 00 04 4e b9 00 00 .....Ú...N¦.. 10
20 00 00 4e 75 65 73 61 69 00 00 4e 71 00 00 03 ef ..Nuesai..Nq..´ 20
30 01 00 00 02 5f 6d 61 69 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .._main........ 30
40 01 00 00 02 5f 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 00 00 00 08 .._comment.... 40
50 81 00 00 03 66 6c 69 62 40 30 30 30 39 00 00 00 ü..flib@0009... 50
60 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 f2 ............._ 60

The hunk code begins at $14:
00 00 03 e9 00 00 00 04 4e b9 00 00 00 00 4e 75 65 73 61 69 00 00 4e 71
hunk type | hunk length| code |

Note that the name of the program is considered as some code by the assembler
and that it adds the $00004e71 longword at the end of all program codes
( don't know really why: probably something to do with Fargo... )

Then the hunk_ext

00 00 03 ef ; hunk type
01 00 00 02 5f 6d 61 69 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; symbol type 01
01 00 00 02 5f 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 00 00 00 08 ; length: 02 longwords
81 00 00 03 66 6c 69 62 40 30 30 30 39 00 00 00 ; symbol type 81, length 03
the last symbol name is the library name/number which is called in the
program. Here, flib::clr_scr is flib@0009.

Lastly, following the library symbol is its relocation table.
00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02
table lenght | offsets ( in longwords )

Here, there is only one call to clr_scr located at $2 from the beginning of
the code.
Then, flinker will create a Fargo file with the right header structure, it
will add the code to this file and lastly, will compress these tables and add
them at the end of the file.

III.3.3 ) Relocation: Fargo

Now, if you send this .92p file to the 92 and execute it, here is what Fargo
will do.
First, it will look at these tables. It will get the address of each
subroutine called and will replace all the blanks left by the assembler in the
"Jsr" opcodes. It will use the relocation table to know where to do these

Perhaps some already wondered who relocated the Fargo shell ? Well, the
Fargo core is stored at the end of the RAM at a place the TI OS never reaches.
I believe there exist a TI OS variable which gives the end of the available
memory. All what is necessary to do is to change this variable
( to decrease it slightly...) .

Note: it is dangerous to play with it though, in reducing memory size (like
Raven did). TI-BASIC tokens are processed at the end of memory, if a Fargo
program writes data at the end of memory and adjusts this pointer then
this data could be overwritten. If this wasn't the case Fargo would support
TSR's already (most probably).

The only problem left is how Fargo gets the address of the subroutine. I
believe that in the relocation table, there is the library name. Fargo
searches this file in memory ( it probably uses the VAT to do so. See IV.2)
and then reads at the beginning of the library a table which lists the
relative address -from the beginning of the library file- of the subroutine
( it probably uses the library number to do so ).

III.4 ) The use of TI OS routines

Fargo solves another problem than the problem of relocation.
There exist different ROM versions for the 92. While these different ROM
versions correct a few bugs in the different units of the calculator, they
also have a great drawback. The same routines ( ex: display routines ) are
not at the same place in different ROM versions. This means that using the
TI OS routines is not very easy if you want to write a program which will work
on any 92. The solution is the use of a table of pointers pointing to the
correct addresses.
When Fargo is installed into a backup, it initialises the TIOS library so
that it uses the right addresses. Each subroutine there is an absolute pointer
to the right subroutine in ROM.
Then, during the relocation process, the TIOS library is not handled like all
other libraries. To blanks in the "Jsr" opcodes using TIOS are added the
absolute address corresponding to the routine number in the table library
-located at the beginning of the file-.
RAM constants which were used in the "move.l tios::clr_scr,a0" opcode are
handled in a similar fashion: the blanks left are replaced by the "subroutine
absolute address" .


IV ) The texas instrument's operating system

IV.1 ) handles

When you want to get some dynamic memory ( a memory you will free at the
end of the program ), you use a TI-OS routine called "tios::HeapAlloc" with
the correct parameters ( size of memory needed on a longword ). This routine
will return a word integer: a handle. It is a sort of pointer to the memory
you asked for. To get the real pointer to that memory, you should use the
"tios::deref" macro which will return a pointer you will be able to use.
Handles are the TI-OS solution to moving programs in memory to save
as much space as possible ( see II.3 ). Basically, a handle is a number.
It is the number of an entry in an array. That array is pointed to by the
longword stored at address $5D42. The entries in this array are the
relative address from the beginning of the array to the memory the handle
represents. So, to get the address of a handle: (($5D42) + handle * 4) - 2
This is what the "tios::deref" macro does.

Note: $5D42 == tios::Heap , "-2" isn't done by the tios::deref macro.
tios::Heap+handle*4-2 would give the address of the word
(preceeding the data) indicating the length of the memory block
(in words)

Note: There exist some static handles: these are studied in IV.2
Please, check also "handles.txt" .
If you wish to use practically handles, look at doc68kguide.txt,
section 1.9: handles.

Now, if the TI OS decides to move a program in memory to compact the memory
so that no "holes" are left, it adjusts the pointer to the program or the
data while the handle number is kept unmodified. If you knew the handle
number, you can always get the address: the moving process is transparent
to the user.

IV.2 ) VAT: variable allocation tables

As stated in Fargo documentation, handles between 0000 and 0015 included
are system handles: they are used by TI OS and are de facto static.
Handles $0B and $0C are used to store the info on folders and files on the 92.
Note: They have the same use as that of the FAT on a DOS Hard Disk

handle $B : folder table
handle $C : main folder

The first hex number indicates the relative address from the beginning of the
file/folder table handle.

format of file/folder tables
$00.W : maximum number of files/folders before handle has to be resized
$02.W : number (N) of files/folders in table
$04 : listing in the format below (alphabetical order)
+$00 : file/folder name (lowercase) terminating in 0s until $08
+$08.W : file/folder flags
. 3 (bit3) : locked
. 4 (bit4) : hidden
. 7 (bit7) : folder
. 14 (bit14) : parameter (in function/program)
+$0A.W : handle of file/file table
$04 + ( $0C * N ): end of the table

Note: These tables only change in size when more room is required to store the
entries, for speed the table is only resized at intervals of 10 entries.
This is marked by the first word in the table, their corresponding size
change is $78 bytes.

So, the handle $B will point to a table which lists all folders on the calc
( including the folder "main" ). In this table, you will find the handle of
each folder and each of these handle will point to a table of files. In each
of these table of files, there will be the files and their respective handle
which will point to the file itself.

Note: this last paragraph is included for documentation purposes: using it
to effectively access to these handles would probably lead to a big
BUGS as resizing these handles could lead the TI OS memory routines to
move your program in memory which would mean that the Fargo relocation
was useless...

For more on the TI OS file formats, functions/programs structure and
tokenization, please read Gareth's documentation, docfiles.txt.


IV.3 ) Lite Pascal

IV.3.1 ) introduction

The programmation langage implemented in the 92 is extremly powerfull as it
allows the definition of local variables and features many high level langage
However, as some of you have perhaps allready tested it, it is extremly slow.
For example, here is a small program i did to test this:

local a,i
For i,0,10000

The corresponding program i wrote in assembly:

include "flib.h"
xdef _main
xdef _comment

i equ 10000


jsr flib::clr_scr
clr.l d1
move.l #i-1,d0
add.l #1,d1
dbra.l d0,loop

dc.b "essai",0


The ti version took exactly 2 minutes to execute on my 92 II
The assembly version executed itself so fast that it was impossible to
measure anything. I used the assembly version with the maximum value possible
for i ( 2^32-1 = 4.5 billion ). Doing 4.5 billion loops took me less than
one second...

Impressive, eh ? !!

IV.3.2 ) Tokenization

The explanation to this phenomenon is the way the ti traduces the program.
The ti does not generate any assembly code for this program. It interpretes it
This means that it simulates a computer which understands the lite pascal
instructions. To do this, it has a whole bunch of subroutines with parameters
which simulate these instructions.
First, when you edit your program, the text of the program is stored
(probably) in the stack. Upon exit, the OS creates a file to store this
program. The program is stored in a very peculiar form which is explained in
In fact, it is translated in a post fixed notation: the greatest advantage
to this notation is that it takes into account the priority of the operateurs.
Upon execution, two process take place: first, there is an error checking on
each expression before execution. Then, expressions are executed.
The fact that the error checking is not done before execution slows down the
whole process and the way the instructions are executed is extremly slow by
itself. A book of mine states that interpretation is usually 10000 slower than

Note to those interested in compilation theory.
The process of tokenizing is likely not to be done by a syntax analysis
program. In this case, most of the errors would have been detected sooner.
This means that the Post Fixed Notation is probably generated by a homemade
algorithm. Please, note that it would be possible to write a code generator
on PC's for the 92 using this post fixed notation. However, the greatest pb
with this notation is that the code is very difficult to optimize.
That is why it is not used very often in compilers. Only in interpreters.


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