Other stuffs.


Here you can download the graphics and sources of all my games... and other stuff too.


Aspirin v3.0 sources 2005/01/24

Aspirin2 v0.90 sources 2005/03/30

Bomber Dude v0.96 sources 2005/01/24

M4r10 v0.90 sources 2005/08/15

Mr Worm v2.01 sources 2005/03/17

Orage Pack v1.0 sources 2005/01/10

Slime Ball v1.01 sources 2005/01/24

Synapse Accelerator v1.0 sources 2005/01/10

XTetris v0.00 sources 2005/04/15



Bomber Dude v0.96 graphics 2005/01/23

Orage Pack v1.0 graphics 2005/01/23



Image Studio array converter, (VB) (french) (no doc included) (buggy but good enough for me) 2005/07/31



L'IA de Bomber Dude (french) (really incomplete) 2005/03/13

Display a picture with TIGCC and Image Studio 2005/04/17

Mécanique, programmation, calculs à virgule fixe (french) (probably incomplete) 2005/08/14





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